
Why Networkers Are Throwing In The Towel On Downline Building And Using A New Concept Called GPT To Make More Money

If your looking to achieve financial freedom from home, specifically through a "MLM" or network marketing opportunity, your in for a rude awakening my friend. If your already in the trenches, fighting with every breath you have for much less money than its worth, its not your fault, The times have changed. What I'm about to share with you right now may anger some, but will help countless others. Now I'm going to go ahead and assume that your either pursuing a home business of some kind right now, or that you have pursued one in the past. If your in neither group, then consider yourself extremely fortunate, as the information on this page will save you years of blood, sweat,tears, and money. Well, in a nutshell, the promises of old school MLM and life long residual income are all but dead for the average person. They have been cut down at the knees by unlikely culprit whom I'll reveal to you a little further down this page. I know youve seen the symptoms. In fact, I guarantee they are plaguing your organization at this very moment. But what you don't understand or give proper respect to is the cause behind them. My Question to You Are These. Is your organization being depleted by constant attrition? Is your downline full of complaining reps who need constant hand holding? Are you tired of working your tail off for a few hundred or few thousand dollars when you feel like you should be making ten times more for your efforts? Sick of the gotcha comp plans that cut your check in half with the get 3, who get 3, who get 3, structure requirements? I hear you friend and your not the only one. Right now, network marketing is in a struggle to find itself in a time where people leave as fast as they join, the cost to sign a new rep has sky rocketed, and when newer, bigger, and better dominates the landscape which basically means, trying top build a downline in the internet age is like tying to fill a leaking bucket. You can get ahead of the curve for a while if you have the time, money, and energy, but it's only a matter of time before it will drain dry. Yes, its a brave new world for network marketers, but fear not. In an industry where hype and the pre launch have become the norm, a growing trend is quickly gaining popularity with professional networkers who are sick of the three ring circus that MLM has become. It's A Concept Called G.P.T. And It's Going To Play A Major Role In Networking From This Point Foward. No, G.P.T. is not a company. It's not an opportunity, and it's not a product or system of anykind. It's an answer, a solution to tiny checks, leaking downlines, and the quick turn mentality that has taken over MLM. It will allow you to put tens of thousands of dollars of cash into your pocket in weeks and months, not years, but the best part about G.P.T. is that you won't even have to build a downline. MLM as You Know it is Dead, And the Internet Killed It. Network marketing has always been based on the idea of working for 3-5 years and building a life long residual income that you can will to your grandkids, sounds great, and it may have been true at one time, but not today. Not anymore, no I'm not insane, I promise to show you what I mean by such a true statement, stand with me for a moment atop our private mountain, and look out over the entire network marketing industry, it's not pretty, but in one world here is what you will find. Incest. A finite group of people who are traded like cattle from one company to another every 9-12 months. They were once called junkies, but the infection has spread to people above that description. Network marketing has become obsessed with timing, pre launches, and the next big thing, but the cause behind that obsession is what truly scares me. Pandora's box has been opened and we will never be able to close it. Why? What's Nail Polish causing this gruesome condition? The Answer Is Simple. The number of new people coming into MLM each year is now drastically out of proportion with the number of new company start ups. Thousands of new MLM's launch every year thanks to the internet. You can literally start your own company from your bedroom if you want. But there are only so many people to go around. Welcome to the world of the Pre Launch. A company's only chance to catch the attention of networkers, and steer them away from their current opportunity with the promise of getting in on the ground floor. Before you know it, the game has started again. This time around a company that promises to be the biggest and best with their new patented wonder vitamin 2000 that will change the world. Networkers invitably flock to it by the ten's of thousands trying to get on top, and if they don't, it doesn't matter because another shiny new MLM will launch in about 9-12 months, and when the people at the bottom scrambleto find a seat in the chain, destroying their old company from the bottom up in the process. This has resulted in a vicious cat fight between these companies over a dwindling supply of people, complete with name calling, back stabbing, and an endless supply of lawsuits. Make no mistake about it, in network marketing, people are the commodity that is traded, and you are very valuable. The B- Zone is Gone and Took Your Residual Income With It. Before the internet, organizations and companies were protected by an information buffer zone which shielded them from this onslaught of people, opinions, competitors,and ads. It's this buffer zone that allowed relationsships to be built,skills to be learned, and loyalties to strengthened. But the internet destroyed all of that in a blink of a eye, it happens all the time 24/7. Your sitting pretty on top of fairly large organization, you think you have finally found that pot of gold, then it suddenly falls through the cracks and it's gone. Yore making about $20,000 a month, you quit your job 5 months ago, bought a new house, that new sports car, and paid off all your debt. Life is good. Then one day, the company changes their compensation plan just a little, and one of your leaders is not happy about the change, and decide to move to another company, and with one click of air swimmers the mouse, and one single email to his list of a few thousand recipients upline,downline and sideline, he basically destroys dozens of people's businesses, cuting their checks in half or even worse, including yours. The income your relying on to pay the mortgage, invest for retirement, and put your kids through school literally vanishes overnight. If something similar to this scenario hasn't happened to you yet, it will! It's a sobering thought when you realize that your lively hood in an MLM business is completely dependent upon strangers you have never met. You don't know their long term plans, you don't know about their family problems, and you don't know what they will do next, yet your check dependent upon them and thousands of others just like them because you simply cannot earn a full time living on your own personal efforts with an MLM compensation plan. This wasn't a problem in the past, but it is today. You see, the internet is a tool that allows communication at a level that has never been seen by the world before, where opinions, rumors, promotions, and advertisements can now spread across the globe faster than you can blink your eye. Massive revenues can be gained or lost in days for a company with nothing more than a well placed negative opinion report on the search engines. Downlines can be destroyed overnight by false rumors or leaders who jump ship. For The New Best Way on MLM Market G.P.T. program follow the web sites and get the new systematic securety that top tier entepreneurs use to make MLM marketing more proffit each & every month.

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